Our Services
Our Services
A cancer diagnosis can have a far-reaching effect on people and their families.
Post treatment is a time when people are expected to ‘get back to normal’, but for many ‘normal’ has changed.
The shock of the diagnosis and treatment wears off and the reality sets in. It can be a time when people feel isolated and alone.
We offer 3 day residential breaks for cancer patients – on their own or with a relative or friend.
The group is limited to 10 participants and is facilitated by 3 professional counsellors, who have experience in working with people affected by life-threatening illness. They lead mindfulness sessions, relaxation and meditation groups and help with coping strategies.

Participants in our Breaks have the opportunity to:-
- Gain support from the group
- Participate in relaxation and meditation sessions. (Used on a regular basis the techniques we use may help release tension, improve sleep, help focus on yourself and improve quality of life.)
- Participate in informal therapeutic group sessions which are part of the programme.
…and they can benefit from:
- Time to be with others who understand
- Time to reflect on where you have been, where you are now and how you want to go forward
- Time to look at the balance between your inner needs and outer life

Applications are welcome from anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis, who thinks they may benefit from a Time To Retune Break. If you think you might benefit, please get in touch via the Contact Us page. Applications are carefully considered by the facilitators who will telephone the applicants to ensure that a break would be beneficial to them and that they would be comfortable in a group